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Medals awarded by the Polish Section

The International Council of Associations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Art CIOFF®

Artis Meritoria 2023

The deadline for submitting applications is November 30, 2023

Completed applications should be sent 


Artis Meritoria 2022 badge

Wschód słońca nad pole pszenicy

Members of the Artis Meritoria Commission approved during the General Meeting of PS CIOFF®: Edward Błażek, Jan Brodka, Janusz Chojecki, Tomasz Nowak (chairman), Patryk Rutkowski, Ewa Sonczyk-Buczyńska, Jarosław Wojciechowski.

Skład Kapituły Odznaki Artis Meritoria uchwalony na XVI Walnym Zjeździe, lata 2024-2026 zatwierdzony przez Walny Zjazd PS CIOFF®: Alina Kościółek-Rusin, Piotr Kulka, Dariusz Majchrowicz, Tomasz Nowak, Barbara Uracz, 

Artis Meritoria award is given in the following areas of folklore activities: 

  1. Dance folklore: 

    • reconstruction of archaic dance forms and promotion and education of traditional dance,

    • stage dance.

  2. Theater and folklore shows.

  3. Music:

    • reconstruction of archaic musical forms as well as field exploitation and notation,

    • folklore-inspired music.

  4. ​Ethnographic research and scientific activity.

  5. Material cultural heritage.

  6. Regional, dance and music education.

  7. Animation and organization of folklore movement and folklore.

  8. Activity in the CIOFF® Association.

  9. Polonia folklore activity.



Medals awarded in 2021:

the founders of PS CIOFF®:



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Contact us!

In matters related to the activities of the Polish Section of CIOFF®We are at your disposal.

Stowarzyszenie - Polska Sekcja CIOFF®

Al. KEN 46/55, 02-797 Warszawa

tel. +48 509 854 255

NIP 9512003360

Nr konta:

Santander Bank Polska. S.A. O/Warszawa

85 1500 1777 1219 1032 7266 0000

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International Council of Organizations
of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

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© 2022 by CIOFF®

Photo W.Korpusik

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